Turnbull NWR Establishment Press Release

Press release dated August 6, 1937 announcing the establishment of the Turnbull National Wildlife Refuge.


United States Department of Agriculture

Release - Immediate
Washington, D.C., August 6, 1937.


Turnbull Slough, Spokane County, Wash., once a favorite nesting place for ducks and geese using the Pacific flyway, is to be restored as a refuge for migratory waterfowl. An executive order designating 12, 744 acres for the establishment of the refuge recently was signed by President Roosevelt. 

Land for the refuge is being purchased by the U.S. Biological Survey, which will develop and administer the area. Large number of mallards, pintail, redheads, canvasbacks, blue-winged and cinnamon teal, shovelers, and Canada geese nested in Turnbull Slough before it was drained. Later the drainage system was abandoned, and since then several sloughs within the are have been restored by the State Game Commission and Sportsman's Association of Spokane County.

"Restoration of Turnbull Slough," say officials of the Survey, "will add another important link to the chain of refuges being established along the Pacific flyway. Refuges already established along this flyway are producing good results, but more are needed for carrying out the Federal waterfowl restoration program in this part of the United States."

A 7-foot dam at the outlet of the slough, smaller dams in the drainage ditches, and dikes and diversion ditches for stabilizing water levels on the refuge are planned. Nesting islands for waterfowl and buildings for use in administering and maintaining the refuge are also to be built.


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