Maine Field Office Eastern Prairie Fringed Orchid Fact Sheet

This fact sheet provides information on the ecology, habitat, and occurrence of the Eastern Prairie Fringed Orchid in Maine.

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Fact Sheet
Piping plover on sandy beach
Welcome to the Maine Field Office Website. Our goal here is to provide you with information about what your U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Maine Ecological Services Office is doing for you and for the fish and wildlife in our area of responsibility, the State of Maine.
Eastern Prairie Fringed Orchid
This plant is 8 to 40 inches tall and has an upright leafy stem with a flower cluster called an inflorescence. The 3 to 8 inch lance-shaped leaves sheath the stem. Each plant has one single flower spike composed of 5 to 40 white flowers. Each flower has a three-part fringed lip less than 1 inch...
FWS Focus