Integrity of Scientific and Scholarly Activities

Scientific information, data, and evidence are central to the development and iterative improvement of sound policies, and to the effective, efficient, and equitable delivery of services and programs, across every area of the Federal Government. In turn, strong scientific integrity policies and practices bolster the ability of Federal agencies to protect government science.

The requirements of this chapter are consistent with the framework and model policy stated in the 2023 National Science and Technology Council’s (NSTC) guidance prepared by the Scientific Integrity Framework Interagency Working Group A Framework for Federal Scientific Integrity Policy and Practice (Framework). The Framework is derived from foundational Executive branch actions, the collective experience of Federal agencies, and the informed engagement of stakeholders, both inside and outside of government, set forth in the 2022 NSTC report by the Scientific Integrity Fast-Track Action Committee Protecting the Integrity of Government Science, the 2021 Presidential Memorandum*, the 2010 White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) Memorandum, and the 2009 Presidential Memorandum.

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