3-200-16- Application for Take of Depredating Eagles & Eagles that Pose a Risk to Human Health or Safety

A Federal Eagle Depredation Permit is required take Bald Eagles or Golden Eagles that have become injurious to wildlife, agriculture or other personal property, or for human or eagle health or safety. A depredation permit is intended to provide short-term relief from depredation damage until long-term measures can be implemented to reduce or eliminate the depredation problem through nonlethal control techniques. Long-term measures might include constructing enclosures or changing their design, alteration of habitat or features to remove attractants, or modification of land-use practices that attract eagles. You should review Title 50 Parts 10, 13, and 22.100 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR). You are responsible for reviewing and understanding these regulations before you request and accept a permit. These regulations can be found on our website at https://www.fws.gov/birds/policies-and-regulations/permits/permit-polic…. You must be at least 18 years old to apply for this permit. 

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Bald eagle and golden eagle
Forty years ago, our national symbol, the bald eagle, was in danger of extinction throughout most of its range. Habitat destruction and degradation, illegal shooting, and the contamination of its food source, largely as a consequence of DDT, decimated the eagle population. Habitat protection...
Birds surround two herring fishing boats
The purpose of Migratory Bird Permits is to promote long-term conservation of migratory birds and their habitats and encourage joint stewardship with others.
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Migratory birds