About this Collection
This library of documents serves as the Southeast Missouri Lead Mining Sites Natural Resource Damage Assessment and Restoration Administrative Record Index.
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is in the process of updating webpages, so some content that was previously available is temporarily unavailable. For a copy of documents with an asterisk (*), please contact Leslie Lueckenhoff.
Search this collection | I. Reference Library | II. Trustee Coordination and Management | III. Pre-assessment Phase | IV. Assessment Phase | V. Post-assessment Phase | VI. Restoration Phase | Return to Southeast Missouri Lead Mining Sites Natural Resource Damage Assessment and Restoration main page
I. Reference Library (Laws, Regulations, and Literature)
Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA; 42 U.S.C. §9601 et seq.)
National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA; 42 U.S.C. §4321-4347)
II. Trustee Coordination and Management
Trustee Memorandum of Understanding*
III. Pre-assessment Phase (43 C.F.R. § 11.20-§ 11.25)
Pre-assessment Screen and Determination (43 C.F.R. § 11.23)
Big River*
- Pre-assessment Screen and Determination for the Big River Mine Tailings Site, St. Francois County, Missouri - 2008*
- Addendum - Pre-assessment Screen and Determination for the Big River Mine Tailings Site, St. Francois County, Missouri - 2009*
Madison County*
- Pre-assessment Screen and Determination for the Madison County Mines Site, Madison County, Missouri - 2014*
Viburnum Trend*
- Pre-assessment Screen and Determination for the Sweetwater Mine and Mill Complex, Reynolds County, Missouri, West Fork Mine and Mill Complex Reynolds County, Missouri, and Glover Smelter Site, Iron County, Missouri - 2008*
- Pre-assessment Screen and Determination for the Viburnum Trend Lead Mining Sites, Reynolds, Iron, Crawford, and Washington Counties, Missouri - 2009*
Notice of Intent to Perform Damage Assessment
Southeast Missouri*
- Notice of Intent to perform a Natural Resource Damage Assessment – Big River Mine Tailings Site, Sweetwater Mine/Mill, West Fork Mine/Mill, Glover Smelter - 2008*
Madison County*
- Notice of Intent to Perform a Natural Resource Damage Assessment – Madison county Mines Site - 2014*
Viburnum Trend*
- Notice of Intent to perform a Natural Resource Damage Assessment – Viburnum Trend Lead Mining Sites- 2009*
IV. Assessment Phase
Assessment Plans (43 C.F.R. § 11.30- § 11.60)
Southeast Missouri
- Effects of mining-derived metals contamination on Native Floristic Quality - 2008*
- Injury to Birds in the Southeast Missouri Lead Mining District - 2009*
- Natural Resource Damage Assessment Plan for Southeast Missouri Lead Mining District: Big River Mine Tailings Superfund Site, St. Francois County and Viburnum Trend Sites, Reynolds, Crawford, Washington, and Iron Counties - 2009*
- Addendum – Natural Resource Damage Assessment Plan for Southeast Missouri Lead Mining District: Big River Mine Tailings Superfund Site, St. Francois County and Viburnum Trend Sites, Reynolds and Iron Counties - 2010*
Big River
Madison County
- Madison County Mines Site Resource Damage Assessment: Crayfish and populations and in-situ toxicity testing of crayfish in the Little St. Francis River drainage study plan (USGS) - 2015*
- Addendum - Natural Resource Damage Assessment Plan for the Southeast Missouri Lead Mining District: Madison County Mines Site - 2015*
- Quantitative Surveys of Freshwater Mussels in the Little St. Francis River, Missouri (2023)
Washington County
Viburnum Trend
- Spatial distribution, geochemistry, and storage of mining sediment in channel and floodplain deposits of streams draining the Viburnum Trend Mining District of Southeast Missouri, USA (Missouri State University) - 2012*
- Identification of the depth of mine tailings contamination of streambed sediments in the Viburnum Trend mining district of southeastern Missouri, USA (USGS) - 2012*
- Viburnum Trend Lead Mining District Transition Zone Assessment study Sampling and Analysis Plan - 2012*
Injury and Quantification Determination Phase (43 C.F.R. § 11.61-§ 11.79)
Southeast Missouri
Big River
- Effects of Mining-Derived Metals Contamination on Native Floristic Quality (USGS) - 2009*
- Effects of mining-associated lead and zinc soil contamination on native floristic quality (USGS) - 2013*
- Toxic Exposures of Songbirds to Lead in the Southeast Missouri Lead Mining District - 2013*
- An Assessment of Freshwater Mussel (Bivalvia: Margaritiferidae and Unionidae) Populations and Heavy Metal Sediment Contamination in the Big River, Missouri (2009)
- Assessment of metal-contaminated sediments from the Southeast Missouri (SEMO) Mining district using sediment toxicity tests with amphipods and freshwater mussels (USGS)– 2009*
- Appendix A - Assessment of metal-contaminated sediments from the Southeast Missouri (SEMO) Mining district using sediment toxicity tests with amphipods and freshwater mussels (USGS) – 2009*
- Appendix B - Assessment of metal-contaminated sediments from the Southeast Missouri (SEMO) Mining district using sediment toxicity tests with amphipods and freshwater mussels (USGS) – 2009*
- Distribution, Geochemistry, and Storage of Mining Sediment in Channel and Floodplain Deposits of Big River System in St. Francois, Washington, and Jefferson Counties, Missouri (Missouri State University) - 2010*
- Effects of Lead-Zinc Mining on Benthic Fish Density in Riffles of the Big River (Missouri Department of Conservation) – 2010*
- Corrected Table - Effects of mining-derived metals on riffle-dwelling crayfish and in-situ toxicity to juvenile Orconectes hylas and Orconectes luteus in the Big River of southeast Missouri, USA (2010)
- Effects of mining-derived metals on riffle-dwelling crayfish and in-situ toxicity to juvenile Orconectes hylas and Orconectes luteus in the Big River of southeast Missouri, USA (2010)
- Mussel Community Associations with Sediment Metal Concentration and Substrate Characteristics in the Big River, Missouri, U.S.A. (USGS) – 2016*
- Quantitative Survey of Freshwater Mussel (Unionoidea) and Assessment of Sediment Contamination in the Big River, Missouri (2016)
- Hydraulics of Freshwater Mussel Habitat in Select Reaches of the Big River, Missouri (USGS) - 2022*
Madison County
Viburnum Trend
Damages Determination Phase (43 C.F.R. § 11.80- § 11.84)
Restoration Compensation and Determination Plan (43 C.F.R. § 11.81)
V. Post-assessment Phase (43 C.F.R. § 11.90- § 11.92)
Southeast Missouri
- ASARCO - Final Consent Decree – 2008*
Viburnum Trend
- Cyprus Amax - Final Consent Decree - 2014*
- Teck American & DII - Final Consent Decree - 2014*
VI. Restoration Phase
Draft Restoration Plans
Southeast Missouri
Big River
- Draft Restoration Plan for the St. Francois County “Bonehole” Park Expansion and Restoration and Borehole Closure and Restoration Program - 2020*
- Restoration on the Big River at Calico Creek: Southeast Missouri Lead Mining District, Big River and Southwest Jefferson County Mine Sites, MO (2020).
Madison County
Viburnum Trend
- Draft Restoration Plan for Stream, Riparian, and Floodplain Habitat Restoration within Crooked and Huzzah Creeks - 2020*
- Draft Amendment to the Herculaneum Lead Smelter Site Final RP/EA: Joachim Creek Properties Transfer and Protection - 2021*
- Natural Resource Restoration in Southeast Missouri Lead Mining District: Feral Hog Removal for Ecological Restoration within Iron, Reynolds, Washington, and St Francois Counties Draft Restoration Plan (2022)
Final Restoration Plans (43 C.F.R. § 11.93, see also 43 C.F.R. § 11.81)
Southeast Missouri
Big River
- Final Restoration Plan for the St. Francois County “Bonehole” Park Expansion and Restoration and Borehole Closure and Restoration Program - 2020*
- Final Restoration Plan for Big River at Calico Creek - 2020*
Madison County
Viburnum Trend
- Final Restoration Plan for Stream, Riparian, and Floodplain Habitat Restoration within Crooked and Huzzah Creeks - 2020*
- Final Restoration Plan for Herculaneum Lead Smelter Site - 2020*
- Natural Resource Restoration in Southeast Missouri Lead Mining District: Feral Hog Removal for Ecological Restoration within Iron, Reynolds, Washington, and St Francois Counties Restoration Plan and Environmental Assessment Final (2023)
- Final Restoration Plan and Environmental Assessment for Terrestrial and Aquatic Habitat Restoration in the Viburnum Trend (2024).
NEPA Decision Document/Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) for the Final Restoration Plan / Environmental Assessment
Southeast Missouri
Big River
- Bonehole Park Expansion Environmental Action Statement - 2020*
- Borehole Closure Program Environmental Action Statement - 2020*
- Big River at Calico Creek FONSI – 2020*
Madison County
Viburnum Trend
- Stream, Riparian, and Floodplain habitat Restoration within Crooked and Huzzah Creeks Environmental Action Statement - 2020*
- Joachim Creek Property Transfer Environmental Action Statement - 2021*
- Feral Hog Removal for Ecological Restoration within Iron, Reynolds, Washington, and St. Francois Counties - FONSI/EAS - 2023*