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The Seney National Wildlife Refuge (Refuge) is requesting public input on an Environmental Assessment regarding the proposal to complete structural improvements to the existing historic wildlife observation and picnic shelter, located approximately 2.5 miles north of Germfask, MI on the west side of M-77. The structure structure
Something temporarily or permanently constructed, built, or placed; and constructed of natural or manufactured parts including, but not limited to, a building, shed, cabin, porch, bridge, walkway, stair steps, sign, landing, platform, dock, rack, fence, telecommunication device, antennae, fish cleaning table, satellite dish/mount, or well head.
Learn more about structure traditionally known as “the Wigwams” was renamed the Show Pool Shelter in 2018. The Show Pool Shelter was completed in 1937 by the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) and Works Progress Administration (WPA). It currently sits on 1.4 acres which includes picnic tables, grills, a pit toilet, information kiosks and foot trails. The rustic architecture reflects the initial development period of the refuge and is a significant contribution to the refuge’s eligibility as a potential historic district. The Service has been awarded funding from the Great American Outdoors Act Great American Outdoors Act
This landmark conservation law, enacted in 2020, authorizes the use of up to $1.9 billion a year in energy development revenues for five years for needed maintenance to facilities and infrastructure in our wildlife refuges, national parks, forests, recreation areas and American Indian schools.
Learn more about Great American Outdoors Act (GAOA) to improve the shelter and public access area.
The purpose of this proposal is to give consideration to the potential impacts to the historical integrity of the structure as plans are made to repair the deteriorating structure. With the already existing need for structural repairs, the project provides an opportunity to simultaneously improve the usefulness of the structure, enhance wildlife viewing opportunities and visitor experience, and considers the appropriateness of the original architecture.